Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Sweet nibblets!

Yes, I took my subject line from the Hannah Montana show. IT'S NOT MY FAULT BILLY RAY IS SO ADORABLE! Heh. I found myself being pathetic again. However, it's become such a constant theme in my life that I've just learned to accept it.

Soooo, about my job. In sum, let's just put it this way, I like the job. Actually, I really like the job. Now let me the define what I mean by job. I mean that I like doing the work. The work is easy, and appealing and I enjoy it. Although at times it can be overly busy, it is rather easy and it doesn't take long to get use to. So what am I always whining about? It's the people whom I don't like! They annoy me, and I don't feel as though I'm being treated fairly compared to the other girls. I also find it rather disgusting how someone who I've helped so brutally turned their back on me and can be so damn ungrateful. But what ever, that has moved on.

As aggravating as this job is, I owe it to myself to hold it off for a bit longer. The pay isn't good, and the people are even worse, but it is experience that I need. REALLY need. Also, finding a job and landing it on your own here in Toronto isn't exactly easy. You need to know someone or have at least three years of experience in the same field. It's only been a month so far, the least I could do for myself is hold it off for six months or so, or maybe even a year. After that maybe something else will come by. I'm hoping to get into a bank, but I doubt that will happen. OH WELL.

I should force my ass to bed and pray for some sleep. Early morning and a 6.5 hour shift. BLAH. I could blog about having a whole week of mom free zone, but really, theres nothing much to talk about. I've been bored and I've done nothing. It's pretty much the same thing with her being here. So honestly, I haven't noticed any difference. She'll be back before I know it. Shoot me.

I wish I had something brilliant to start this blog off with, or to end it with. But I don't. So if any one actually forced themselves to read this brutal shit... this is the least I can offer you.

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