Monday, July 21, 2008

The Dark Knight: My Review

Why so serious? Because the Dark Knight was nothing less than amazing! It was written, directed and promoted beautifully. Despite the tragic death of Heath Ledger, the master minds did an excellent job of dropping teasers for this film. Of course Heaths death created much more buzz and influenced a lot of people to see it, however the movie it's self had a well respected calling. I must say, the choice of actors, the amount of emotion, action and humor was just right! The images, scenes and sound effect were real, intense and captivating!!!

I've never paid attention to Christian Bales work; I'm not even able to list past work that he's done. I guess it's fair to say that I've gone into this movie with an unbias opinion of him. My expect ions however were still high, after all, I've been anticipating this movie for about a year! Bale did not disappoint me! As Bruce Wayne, he perfectly produced that wealthy, arrogant playboy that DC comics intended him to be. He was slick, smooth and his witty charm made me melt! As the Dark Knight...WOW!! His deep, raspy voice reflected Batman's dark mood. With his face being covered, we had to depend on his body language and voice, and let me tell you, I got every word! The confusion, the betrayal, the lust for love and the passion for justice were so beautifully portrayed through his actions. There's no doubt about it, Bale put on that costume, and he BECAME the Dark Knight! I've seen mostly all the Batman movies, and I have to say, Bale is by far the best one to put on that suit! He took this role seriously and he performed it spectacularly!

Heath Ledger (RIP) is another star who I've never paid much attention too. I've only seen one of his other movies (10 things I hate about you) and I wasn't too impressed. I hate to say it, but I thought his role might be over exaggerated due to his death. I was proven wrong with a big slap on the face! His performance was spectacular! The way he smacked his lips and flipped his hair just made me want to jump into the movie! His voice, body language and plot was beyond amazing. His story line had so many twists and turns that there was never a dull moment in the film. While Batman and Harvey Dent/Two-Face were trying to figure him out, the audience was too! They gave us no real background on the Joker so the writers had a lot to play around with. I don't want to risk ruining the movie for anyone who hasn't yet seen it so I won't describe my favorite Joker moments in the film, however I will say that it involves a nurses uniform and school buses! I really do love his performance and along with Jim Carey as the Riddler (Batman Forever 1995) he's my favorite villain!

The love story of this film was your typical bitter-sweet charade that you'd expect from a super hero movie. Typical and obvious, but not disappointing! Again I won't risk giving anything away, but this plot shows what love will make you do. It will also show the great sacrifices that a hero would make. Maggie Gyllenhaal wasn't a favourite of mine, and she wouldn't have been a choice of mine for this movie, but again, I was wrong! She portrayed the past love interest of Bruce Wayne gracefully. Her emotions felt real and she had me convinced. Her relationship plot with Harvey Dent and her death scene was well written into the movie. It connected with the several other story lines that were happening. Aaron Eckhart's (Havey Dent/Two-Face) transition was brilliant. Watching him turn from a hero to dying an almost villain was captivating and moving to watch.Over all, this was a BRILLIANT film. It captured Batman; not the batman played by emotionless actors from the past batman movies, but the Batman and Bruce Wayne that DC comics created to inspire justice. This is by far one of my favorite movies, and I consider it to be the BEST Batman movie ever. I left that theater feeling inspired and loving our masked, spandex hero's more than ever.

"You either die the hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain"

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