Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Good-bye Toronto

Only for a week, but still good enough. Lord I'm actually thankful that I'm getting away. The past few months have been HELL. I don't know why, but I can't wait to sit down on that plane and let my misery float away in the clouds as I enter the sunny valley's of Orlando Florida. I'm getting away from this pollution. Not the smoke clouds from of coorporate castles but the pollution of my self pity and hatred of the world. I hope to let go of alot of things this week. And I hope to come back a better and happier person. Although, missing Smallville might do the exact opposite. It's so odd how I've allowed something like a T.V show to determine my happiness. But if something makes you happy, does it really matter how stupid it is? I'm still sick. I feel deadly sick. Hopefully no one on the plane will think that I have sars. Ahh a whole week out of Scarberia. Lol, the glory. I'm more looking foward to not being around anyone but my parents and my sister, I hate having to avoid people because it's always so hard. But this way it's going to be easy. My mind is tense. I'm hoping to come back with it clear and free. I want to be able to sit down and write my heart away like I did before. I don't know why, but I feel as though this trip is going to connect me back to my childhood when I last went to Florida.

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