Thursday, May 24, 2007

My tolerance, is at an all time low.

I'am soooo fed up with everyone and everything right now. With this stupid job, it seems as though I have no time to myself. Yes it's only training. But it's friggen 5 day's a week at 8 hours. Ok ok, I know when I enter the real world that'll be my shift. But this is just TRAINING! It's like being stuck in one lecture for EIGHT hours. It's basically 8 hours of school a day AGAIN. It's high school hell repeating itself. The people there are cool but still! learning about banking is NOT fun!


Buttt GOOD NEWS!!!! My lover and idol MARY KATE OLSEN (Shut the fuck up you homo) is getting back onto the t.v screen!!! YAYYYYYY!!!! She will be playing a church girl named Tara on a show called Weed's. Interesting title, I must say. WOW. I'm just thrilled that I get to see more of her. Lately it's only been the crap I've been reading on Perez Hilton (whom I love!). Celebrity gossip is always a way to make me smile =) I sooooo miss the olsens twins last series... "So little time" I think there were only like 17 episodes lol, but they were all awsome!

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