Monday, March 10, 2008

Monday Morning Blues

But I'm feeling seriously green. I envy people who can get up and find energy to survive a cold Monday morning right after loosing an hour of sleep due to the time change. Who the hell really cares about day light anyways? I prefer my hour of sleep! SLEEP! I'm either getting too much or too little of it. I don't know any more. My body is loosing grip with my mental state. I don't know what it is! I'm not healthy. I hate people who can make a commitment to a healthy lifestyle and stick to it. I have no motivation or will power! I'm tired of school and I'm tired of listening to people complain. In all honesty, I don't care about one or anything but Smallville! Speaking of which, they started filming episode 16 of this season today, and it's about time! I've been so worried about the show lately, the good news is that there will be no Lana Lang for season eight, but there will also be no Lex. No more Michael Rosenbaum. I adore him, but at least more focus will be on my Tom Welling. *Smiles*
This month is so brutally painful and slow. So far I'm finished 2 out of my 5 essays. 3 more to go! Then I have to study for a make up nats sci test this Wednesday, read an over due book for a book report due next Wednesday. Finish my essays for April 1st, and study for my mid term on April 1. Oh and great, I just remembered that I have tests on the 31st as well. See what I mean by brutal? On top of all of this fun stuff, I'm still also suffering the loss of him. I miss him sometimes. It's those stupid, funny conversations that I miss the most. The ones the brighten my day. So as you can guess, asides from the days that Smallville is on, my days are pretty damn dull!
So the Monday blues continue. I'm sitting here waiting for my class to start. I haven't done much, or any of the readings for this class. In all honestly, I'm disgusted with this course as well as the others. Really sweet T.A though. He just walked in so I thought I'd mention that :)

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